
My vacation from blogging is now over...

I know I've neglected to blog  for a while.  Life has been interesting... to say the least.

Now that I am a college graduate with a degree in Drawing and Painting, I should be focusing on the development of my portfolio and grad school applications.  Or, I should be pursuing opportunities to show my work in various alternative spaces since I am now on my own as an artist outside the safe confines of the educational setting.  But, to be honest, I really haven't been doing any of that.  

Pursuing an undergraduate degree has been the most excruciatingly slow process ever.  Lots of moving, getting sick, fighting with mom, making up with mom, working full-time, working part-time, working in the mornings at 5am before class, working after class until 12am, working... (working?! yup, LOTS of working), worrying about grades, giving up on grades, worrying about money, learning about money, buying a house, worrying about my future, making friends, losing friends, making sacrifices, crushin' on boys, giving up on boys, changing majors, doubting my abilities, then realizing my actual abilities, contemplating what to do with my newfound (or newly realized) abilities, wondering why people are the way they are, wondering why I am the way I am, finger-pointing then owning up, breaking down then building back up... oh, and did I mention I was unaware of the existence of the countless extended family members out there on my Dad's side until I was 21??  Now that was a memorable moment waking up to that realization. The list goes on! 

The last 8 years of my life have been the most unpredictable, heart-wrenching, exciting, eventful, and educational years ever.  It's tough juggling all of the above with little to no heads up or warning.  

So yeah, I'm currently taking a breather... whew~


  1. I smiled reading this latest blog, and can relate to it as a graduate from college. So much good ahead of you! Everything will come together over time. Wishing you the very best! As a recent commissioner for the SD Commission for Arts and Culture, I think your art would be an excitingly fresh expression in public spaces. Keep up the great work! cw

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