
Style vs. Drive

Here is an artist who deals with large scale, expressive brush-strokes installations. It's pretty amazing, and the thing that kills me the most is just how SIMPLE her idea is.

As my wise uncle in Hawaii would say... "Who would'a thunk it~!?"

Here are some images of Sun Kwak's work:


And it's all done with masking tape.  Simply amazing.

I mention her because I believe my work is similar in addressing the cultural significance of the gestural brushstroke of calligraphy.  I have been searching for artists who work within a similar cultural context as I do.  The scale of Kwak's installations is inspiring me to work much larger, but I do not have the space for it.  Also, the difference is that my work is not installation; they are all drawings on paper.

Soon enough, as I develop a strong and coherent body of work, I will post images of my own drawings.  The direction it has taken is quite interesting and addicting in the sense that I wish to devote more and more time towards its development.

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